After few minutes, we decided to go to Inge Chen.
Inge Chen is a sidewalk stand at HR Muhammad Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

That is the menu in Inge Chen.
We confused which one will we choose.
So here we go!

Thats called Sarang Burung Ice which are a jelly, lechy, sarang burung, green syrup, and of course with ice. Chris and me ( Eve ) choosed that! Hmmm yummy....

We called this one with " es kacang hijau" which are ice, milk, coconut, kacang hijau, and mutiara.
Feel hungry hah?...

That my bro ( Dion ) choice, RONDE!
Is the main offer of this stand.
You can tasted ginger flavour, and after you try it your body will feel warm.
So better if you buy it when its raining.
If you bite the Ronde "like meatball but it didn't made from meat" you can eat smooth peanut in it.
So after we ate that we being calm down by Ronde. Hahahaha... so silly ha?
Want to try it?